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Happy Birthday Dad!

November 11, 2019

So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom – Psalm 90:12

Hi Dad!  Happy Birthday!  I am not sure what I am about to write, I guess I just wanted you to know that I remembered.  We remembered!  The girls and I had a chance to speak about you this weekend and we got to enjoy sharing memories that made us laugh.  I cannot believe that it has been five years!  I still think about you a lot, wondering how things would be different if you had lived.  As time goes by, I see more and more how short life is and how precious every day is.  Each moment is a gift from God and the reality is that we are all one heartbeat away from eternity.  I am trying to make the most of each day and there are still many things I hope to accomplish.

Sometimes I think we all take life for granted, assuming that we will be given tomorrow and assuming our loved ones will as well.  The Bible says that we are like a flower quickly fading, a breath that is gone as quickly as taken.  We are told to number our days that we may live wise lives.  It is not that I think of death a lot, but just recognize that the reality of death magnifies the tremendous value of life and should move us to the place of knowing that we should be grateful for each day we awaken.  It should also move us to aggressively pursue the desires we hold most dear, ideally godly desires that are properly ordered as you know.  As I write that, I am fully aware that God has me in a season of waiting, which will likely be extended until I am no longer anxious for it to end, though I know that I am only one piece of the puzzle.

Well, that is all I have to share for now.  I know that the pain of being forgotten can pierce deeply, so just wanted it to be known that you are not forgotten, in fact you are remembered daily.  I picked the song above because we all keep you in our hearts and will for more than just a while, and it is also not uncommon that we think of you and smile.  We love you dad and we look forward to seeing you again one day in His kingdom.

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